Busca, entre los más de 200 cursos para profesionales de distintas áreas de conocimiento, los cursos ideales para fortalecer tus conocimientos y adquirir nuevas habilidades que te brinden nuevas y mejores aptitudes.
grupo logis


Busca entre los más de 200 cursos para profesionales de distintas áreas de conocimiento, los cursos ideales para fortalecer tus conocimientos y adquirir nuevas habilidades que te brinden nuevas y mejores aptitudes.
grupo logis

Filtro y Búsqueda

Resultados de busqueda
A2: Overcoming the fear of Public Speaking
In this course you will be able to learn the ability of overcoming the fear of public speaking, this fear is very common and frequent, it can range from mild nervousness to paralyzing fear.
A2: Entrepreneurship for everyone
In this course you will be able to learn the ability to become an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is a term that comes from the French <> ("pioneer"), it refers to those people who make efforts to achieve a goal.
Marco Referencial en la Investigación Científica
En este curso aprenderás a identificar un problema en concreto; a definir una justificación, los objetivos y a delimitar en la investigación, teniendo en cuenta la importancia y el área en que se pretenda abordar
A2: People Development skillset
In this course you will be able to learn abilities set to people development, this is about positioning employees for growth, focusing on how to enhance and expand upon what they know to do
B1: Personal Development: Soft skills
English course oriented to develop useful abilities in a business environment, regarding to soft skills.
Estimación de crecientes
En este curso aprenderás los conceptos básicos para calcular el caudal de la creciente o del cuerpo de agua para ser más especifico para evitar una inundación.
A1: Career Development: Life cycle mode
English course oriented to develop useful abilities in a business environment. In this course you will be able to learn the stages of Career Development, where are you located in your timeline, and the role of men and women
Cálculo diferencial
Este curso que se presentará será una herramienta definitiva a la hora de estudiar cálculo, aprenderás conceptos básicos, dominio, rango, límite de una función.
A1: How to become a more efficient critical thinker
English course oriented to develop useful abilities in a business environment. In this course you will be able to learn the ability to make decisions, solve problems and take action systematically by logic.
A2: Learning how to be Accessible.
In this course you will be able to learn the ability of being approachable because wherever you are working under someone in an office, or you run your own business, this ability is the pillar to you career development.
Del victimismo a la acción
En este curso aprenderá a responsabilizarse y asumir aquellas acciones que presenten en su vida cotidiana
A1:Time is of the essence.
English course oriented to develop useful abilities for a business environment.




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